How to STOP WASTING TIME on Your Vocal Warm Up Exercises


Okay, so you've been told you need to warm up your voice…

but are your exercises setting you up for a transformative and productive practice session?

Each of your exercises should set your body and your voice up for what you want to do in your practice session or singing performance.


You want to be practicing

the "right things"

(what fills the gap between your voice now and what you want it to be able to do on autopilot)

in the "right way"

(using an approach that makes a positive difference almost immediately)

so that you're clocking up little wins on the regular - leading to increased motivation and enjoyment.

So let me dish out some examples of how to give your exercises PURPOSE by focusing on the end goal.



If you’d love to get clarity on what to do to get the results you want (which makes practice far more interesting, motivating and enjoyable)

🌹Practice: A Love Affair was made for you.

And if you’re unsure of where to best focus your attention, let me know your current singing challenge below and I’ll share my suggestions. x