How to Make Jumping Up to Sing High Notes Easier - Part 6


Part 6 in this singing tip series to help you sing high notes with more ease is about using your emotions as fuel.

If you missed the previous three in the series, you can catch up here: Part One // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five


I think we can focus on the GETTING of big jump notes instead of recognising the REASON that they’re there.

They’re there to add drama, to show an emotional shift.

So the emotion is an ingredient that can help us access those notes with more ease.

Here is a simplified version of four steps to support you to do this for yourself:

  1. Decide what the emotion is in this section of the song.

  2. Think of a time in your life when you have experienced that emotion.

  3. Go there. Relive that situation/emotion - feel the sensations that come alive in your body with that emotion.

  4. Imagine using that emotion/energy as fuel to launch into that high note, intensifying right at the jump.



I’d love for you to share your experience below!

What do you notice when you add emotion into the picture when you sing those jumps?