Struggle to Sing with a Clean Onset? Rely on Glottal Attacks or Fry? Watch This.


It's pretty rare that I meet someone who is cool as a cucumber when it comes to hitting higher notes or starting a line "out of nowhere" with power.

And most of the time we either hesitate or give it a punch (neither of which usually delivers the feeling or sound we're jonesing for).


The way we approach notes is called an "onset" in delightful technical jargon language.

And the prize most singers are practicing to achieve is the CLEAN ONSET (also called the glide or simultaneous) onset.

A way of effortlessly gliding onto the note without previously mentioned toe-dipping or jabbing or crawling up to it with a slide.

But there's a reason WHY we tend to rely on our "go to" onset, a reason why we find it difficult to seamlessly soar onto the note.

And that's what this video is unpacking for you (plus tips on how to transform those tendencies).


I’d love for you to share your insights below!

What do you think is your onset crutch and how do you think that connects with the way you FEEL about the note you're about to sing?