The 3 Reasons Why Singers Experience Throat Tension


Throat tension is one of those things that stirs panic in even the most even-keeled of singers.

More often than not, singers are made to feel that throat tension = bad technique (which just adds more shame into the mix).

And sure, a GAP in knowledge or technique can be part of the problem, but let’s look at what else could be going on too.



If you want the full down low on the big 3 I touch on in this post, TAP HERE to sign up for my free masterclass on this very topic.

1️⃣ Inefficient technique

Let’s replace “bad” with a more accurate, less “shame-y” description, shall we?

The whole aim of learning vocal technique is to express yourself the way you want to in the most efficient and sustainable way possible.

So yes, the reason for your tense throat could be a gap between what tone you want to create and knowing how to use your instrument in a way to make that sound with ease.

2️⃣ is that you’re NERVOUS

An easy way to tell if this is the case is if you can sing the same song or exercise in practice with a lot of freedom but when you sing in front of others…

(whether it’s on stage, in an audition, in the recording studio or in a lesson with your coach) - you then feel that squeeze or tightness.

That tells you that it’s a symptom of stage fright or performance anxiety (which of course requires a different solution than a technical problem).

3️⃣ is cognitive dissonance

(or when your current identity or beliefs can get in the way)

So for example, you might really really want to be able to create high, powerful, belting type sounds, but you hold a belief that being loud might be perceived as annoying or aggressive. 😱

This can create friction when it comes to the desire to take up space with your voice.

Which then means that the body can be trying to project sound and hold it back at the same time (resulting in tension).


✨ Want to learn more about your specific type of singing tension and how to fix it? ✨

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