Don't Play Unless You're Fabulous

This episode is an excerpt from my book The Moderately Tortured Artist - enjoy!

One of the weird “rules” we have in huge parts of our society is "don't play unless you're fabulous".

You can't call yourself a singer unless you're at some elite level.

You can't perform unless you can nail every note.

You can't get out there and do the thing until it's EXTRAORDINARY.

Now I'm not saying don't work hard at honing your skills, I'm saying don't hide yourself and your art in the meantime.

Beginners have just as much of a right to share their music and their voice as anyone else.

In fact we should be sharing while we're learning and accepting performance as an often organic part of making music.

This is one of those "rules" we lean on as an excuse and I'm calling it out.

TELL ME: What are you committed to doing to bust out of this?

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