Why You Sing Better Alone vs in Front of an Audience and How You Can Fix That

This is something I hear from singers ALL. THE. TIME. They want to know how to sing like they do in their bedroom or in their shower when they're on stage or on camera or in an audition.

This video dives into the PHYSICAL BYPRODUCTS of your nerves so you can problem solve them in the moment.

But more importantly, the CAUSE of your nerves in the first place - your self talk and beliefs about you and your voice.

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Feel Like High or Powerful Notes are a Stretch? Try This Vocal Support Technique.

There are a bunch of reasons that we might feel that niggle in our throat but often it’s because pieces of the puzzle like the tongue and the jaw think they’re the ones who should take the lion’s share of the vocal load.

When in reality, that isn’t their job.

So who’s job is it? Well there’s a collection of muscles we can use to add support to our voice.

Let me introduce you to one - the tensor veli palatini.

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