That Sweet Roar - Singing Coaching

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What is Embodied Singing?

The layer BEYOND emotional expression when we sing.

Most of us know about the foundational layer of learning to sing - connecting the mind and body with vocal technique.

Embedding efficient habits like a software program.

Learning your way around your instrument and training it to do what you would like it to on a consistent basis.

It's a vital step, the foundations that begins to build knowledge, skill and trust.

But you'll be in your head a lot, thinking, analysing, listening, critiquing.

You're micro-managing the sound most of the time, trying to hit the notes in the "right" way.

There's no room for expression or flair and it feels a little on guard.


Being able to access and share genuine emotion takes TRUST and COURAGE.

It means moving from your analytical, ever-thinking mind to your heart and your body.

Letting go of the "control" you have when you're focused on technique and surrendering into something REAL.

This means untangling your self-worth from the outcome, so you can truly let go.

Layer 3 is about OWNERSHIP.

When I started working with my singing clients on this very thing; full, honest, richer sounds flew out of their mouths.

Which of course got me REALLY excited.

This is the shift that happens as singers start to believe that their voice is a GIFT.

And a gift for THEMSELVES first.

They get lost in what some call "flow state."

They sing with their whole body, connected to their lower power centres.

They stop trying to impress people or worry about "get it right," they let it be shaped by who they are.

So I created this video hoping to capture this in a demonstration

(as much as one can in 10.5 minutes, seated and with a laptop mic).

I'll be interested to hear what you hear/notice!

See this content in the original post

My program that helps you to unlock this in yourself is called Embody Your Voice and you can find out more and jump in here.